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Web: "I'm Tired of this Track" Option Missing with Shuffle


"I'm tired of this track" is missing and has been for some time.Capture.PNG

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1 Solution

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@njcpcc Can you confirm that you are on the now playing screen when attempting to locate that option?

I have provided a screenshot of where you can find the "I'm Tired of This Song" option.


Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 8.11.06 AM.png

View solution in original post

81 Replies

Opening Act

The "tired of track" option is gone. Is that true or am I missing something? Now you either have to listen to the song your tried of having repeated by Pandora or give it a thumbs down. It was a great option.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@njcpcc Nice to see you around the community!

You should still have access to that feature.


To do this from our website:

Hover your mouse over the album art and select "I'm tired of this track." Pandora Premium listeners should click the ellipsis (3 dots) next the album art to see that option.


To do this from your mobile device:

From the Now Playing screen, just tap the album artwork to view the track details, then tap the three dots in the top right and select "I'm Tired of this Track."


0 Kudos

Opening Act

The only choice I see when I hover over the art is "view session history". It used to work the way you say.  There are three dots to the bottom right of the art now, but the choices are only "start station from artist", "start station from song", and "share". The option you suggest is no longer available on my screen on the desktop.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@njcpcc Can you confirm that you are on the now playing screen when attempting to locate that option?

I have provided a screenshot of where you can find the "I'm Tired of This Song" option.


Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 8.11.06 AM.png

Opening Act

here is all I see:


pandora (2).png

Community Manager
Community Manager

@njcpcc Can you please send me a screenshot of the full screen you are seeing?

Thanks for all your patience with this. 

0 Kudos

Opening Act

I will try but I had to crop this one in order to get it to fit. That's why only the choices are showing.

0 Kudos

Opening Act


Opening Act

It worked this time.  And no worries.  Glad for the help.

0 Kudos

Community Manager
Community Manager

@njcpcc Thanks for sending that over. I've sent this over to our engineers. This information is really valuable, and helps us determine what might be happening.

I know this has been a frustrating issue, and I can assure you we are working on a resolution.

We really appreciate your patience in the meantime!

0 Kudos

Opening Act

No worries at all. Pandora is a great service and I have turned many peopple on to the site.  Glad to assist.

Thanks very much,




Opening Act

Fixed.  Thanks very much,



0 Kudos

Opening Act

It's back to only three chopices again as above. We lost the 'tired of this track" again. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for reporting this, @ymmrek22!

We have received a handful of listeners mentioning a similar issue.

Could you confirm which version of Google Chrome you're using?

  • You can find this by clicking on Chrome > About Chrome.

Let me know and I can report your specific experience to our engineers.

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

I am also experiencing this issue.  Yes I use Google Chroime on my desktop at work.

0 Kudos


Hi @goddess1903 thanks for letting us know. I'd like to report this to our engineers. Can you let me know which version of Google Chrome you're using? You can find this by clicking on Chrome > About Chrome.

Thanks for your help. ๐ŸŽง


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0 Kudos


I'm experiencing the same issue.  What happened?




0 Kudos

Opening Act

Well, it was fixed for a day but then it disappeared so I gave up. It's a real nice option to have so you don't have to listen to the songs you don't wnat at the moment without thumbing them down.

0 Kudos

Community Manager
Community Manager

@njcpcc @lightfighter I moved your messages to this thread since it sounds like you are experiencing a similar issue.

If you are seeing this issue happen on Google Chrome, could you confirm which version of Google Chrome you're using?

  • You can find this by clicking on Chrome > About Chrome.


If you are seeing this issue happen on Firefox, could you confirm which version of Firefox you're using?

  • You can find this by clicking on Firefox > About Firefox.


Let me know what you find out.