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How to Shuffle Stations

Local Performer

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to shuffle my collection/stations! The old pandora version had the "Shuffle: option, but not it does not, both desktop and mobile version!

I only have the option of selecting a certain station in my collection but not shuffling all the songs in all my collections! This is so annoying, please bring back the old version and allow shuffling.

mod edit: changing title for clarity

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101 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

@finernfrogfur Check out my reply to your original message here.

Let me know if that helps.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Hi, I forgot to mention that I made sure the URL is with nothing after that.  I tagged onto this post because it was a similar issue, but then couldn't get back to it so I started my own post, which I should have done in the beginning.  If you have any other suggestions my post is "Unable To Delete A Station From Shuffle And My Collection".  Thanks!!

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Community Manager
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@finernfrogfur What is the name of the station you are unable to remove from your collection?

Let me know.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals.


I listen to Pandora on my laptop (Windows) and iPhone SE.  On my laptop the URL is with nothing after that.   On my iPhone I click on the app.  I can only troubleshoot using my laptop as it's easier for me to see the screen and being old school can type-by-touch a lot faster.  

I have Shuffle turned OFF yet every time I log into Pandora even though the last station I had been listening to should be the one to start playing the station I want to remove/delete it's the 1st station to play even though I hadn't played it at all before shutting down the previous time. 

In My Collections > click on the 3 dots for the station you want to remove/delete > Remove from your collection > Remove Station.  There is no "Save" tab. 

In My Profile > Settings > Notifications there are only 2 options, From Pandora and From Artists, and both  are turned OFF.  There are NO OTHER OPTIONS on that, or in any other page, of My Profile.   

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@finernfrogfur I've gone ahead and removed that station from your collection on my end.

Can you please let me know if that resolved the issue for you?

Adam | Community Moderator
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Yes, Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals is GONE!!!! A HUGE thank you!!

I have others that I'd also like to remove. I went through the exact same
steps as I did trying to remove/delete Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals only they
reacted differently. They disappeared from my Shuffle, but remain in My
Collection. To listen to these stations I'd have to click on it as they
don't automatically play like Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals did. I don't
listen to these stations and just want to remove/delete them (see below).

Going forward and for future reference... Can you give me the directions
to further troubleshoot when an issue like this happens?

Zou bisou (remastered)

[image: image.png]

The Unsinkable Molly Brown

[image: image.png]


[image: image.png]

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@finernfrogfur Based off of your previous messages, it sounds like you are running through the correct steps to remove a station from your collection.

Here is a screenshot for reference of how I removed the station for you:

Screen Shot 2023-05-31 at 9.36.04 AM.png

If you experience any other issues with deleting stations from your collection, feel free to post again here on the Community, or you can also contact our support team directly here.

Thanks for being a part of the Community!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I have the premium feature and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to shuffle all my stations on my iphone. I've looked through the forums and can't find a solution.

Edit- I can shuffle only my Thumbs Up station. Not all my stations together.

Moderator Edit: Merged posts

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Hi @rynoleum Welcome to community!

I've moved your post over to an existing thread about Shuffle: How to Shuffle Stations

As a Premium subscriber, you should be able to use the following steps to edit your Shuffle.

  • Go to My Collection.
    • Pandora Premium subscribers will need to filter My Collection further by Stations. Then tap the Pencil to the right of Shuffle stations.

There, you can select or deselect which stations you'd like to appear in your Shuffle by Station or Genre. Tap Save on the top right corner of your screen when done.

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Local Performer

Shuffle isn't an option in my Android Pandora app. I recently upgraded to Premium and do not see it. There is no shuffle in the station next to the pencil. 


Please advise - I miss my shuffle!


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@shestrummin You will need to tap on My Collection, and then sort by Stations in order to Shuffle.

Let me know if this helps. 

Adam | Community Moderator
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Why make it so hard???

Local Performer

I used to be able to personalize what stations to shuffle. I can't seem to do that anymore and would love to be able to again. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @purpledragonfly. 👋

I moved your post from the Ideas space over to this existing thread: How to Shuffle Stations

Please check out the accepted solution for shuffling your stations. 

If you're still having trouble, let us know which device you're using when this happens and if you're noticing any error messages. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Hi, @hobbit1a. 👋

Thanks for your post about the sorting options. 

From a mobile device:

  • You can sort your content from the My Collection page.
  • Select the caret on the far right side of your screen and from here, you can sort by AlbumsSongsStations, Playlists or Artists. 
  • For now, we have an existing idea created by another community member that would like to see this option implemented. 

From your computer:

  • You can pull up content that you've added to your collection simply by searching for it in the search field. Music that is in your collection will be marked with a checkbox icon.
  • You can also sort your content under My Collection (for some, My Music).
  • Select AlbumsSongsStations or Playlists and then sort your list using the caret on the far right of your screen. 
  • Please note that you can't currently sort your collection by Artists; these are listed alphabetically by default. From a web browser, you can sort your playlists from Recently Played and A-Z. 

I hope this information is helpful. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

Can't find the shuffle option

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Dh4103 I moved your post over to this thread to keep the Community organized: How to Shuffle Stations

Check out the accepted solution to this thread for instructions on how to shuffle your stations.

Hope this helps! 

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

it would be nice if in shuffle mode you can exclude certain stations 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jujujmd85 I moved your post over to this existing thread: How to Shuffle Stations

You do have the option of selecting what stations to include in shuffle mode.

Check out the accepted solution for more information.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I log in to pandora and i can see my collection and I can play one there is no shuttle future anywhere on the page and it only lets me play one collection at a time. the stuff you posted doesn't help me at all. please help.


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