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RESOLVED: 08/18/21 - Shuffle doesn't play songs from all selected stations

Local Performer

I have 130+ stations in my collection - everything from African radio to opera, country, adult contemporary, Hawaiian, Korean, today's hits, hits for each decade, heavy metal, trap, etc. and still hear the same 15/20 songs multiple times in an eight hour work day. I deselected a few stations because it seemed like some artists played hourly - not a different song by the artist. The exact same song would repeat.

Hoped this thread would have the answer to the repetitiveness but no luck. 

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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44 Replies

On the Rise

More trouble-shooting info: 

If I'm streaming via my Android phone on my way to work, but then switch to Apple laptop upon arriving at work... 

I will sometimes tweak my shuffle settings once I arrive to help acclimate to the space.  (Pretty standard, would think.)  I prefer to do this with my Android, because the UI is MUCH-MUCH more user-friendly!  So I tweak the stations in the shuffle, and hit the back-arrow button.  I then get a pop-up that says something to the effect of "changes saved". 

I then settle into work for a few minutes... and eventually get around to launching the Apple-compatible Pandora desktop app.  

At first, everything sounds fine. Then I realise that some of my stations that I'd actively turned off (before even getting in the shower!) are part of the stream.  I then either pause the music and go into my Android app... or I keep playing and attempt to navigate via Apple desktop app. (The Android app is much, MUCH more intuitive UI!) 

As I'm attempting to (once again) update which of my stations engaged in the shuffle, I noticed today that the of all the stations engaged, they are a mix of both what I'd engaged at home from bed... and also what stations I'd tweaked just minutes ago. 

It's like Pandora doesn't know which version of desktop/android app to believe is legit. 

Previously--from the very beginning, in fact--the most recent device to alter any settings was considered the preferred UI input during any session... until another UI intervened.  [This is the most logical approach toward the end result: It's so easy to change your shuffle-mode stations in Android app, but super-cumbersome via Apple or Windows desktop app. (Apple desktop app is HORRIBLE!)]

What other "symptoms" do you need to know about to help you track down this problem? 


So far it's been years...

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Local Performer

Shuffle keeps playing songs from all of my stations. Not the ones selected. Doesn't matter if I choose two stations or ten. This basically makes Shuffle useless.

I've tried deleting the app from my iphone and reinstalling it.

It looks like it might not be saving my selected channels, even when it appears to be. When the ios app shows just the two stations I chose, I tested on Chrome and found all the stations it was playing (that I hadn't selected in ios) were selected in Chrome.

I've almost only ever used Pandora for Shuffle mode. Otherwise, I'd just use Spotify all the time. No sense in paying for both.


@RachelJordan I moved your post over to this existing thread: Shuffle doesn't play songs from all selected stations

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are working on this issue.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

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Local Performer

I can add stations but it won’t forget the old ones. I’ve reinstalled the app and updated my phone and it’s still happening. If I reinstall the app I can make a new shuffle playlist, but I still can’t get rid of anything once I’ve added it. I’ve just been reinstalling it everyday it’s ridiculous. Please help. 

On the Rise

UPDATE:  [2021.07.26] 

Today, when I woke up--as it my ritual--I updated my shuffle list preferences.  Saved it. 

I then went into my Android-10 phone and un-installed the app.  I then re-installed the app.  When I launched the app, it asked me to re-login. I did... and my shuffle settings had not changed.  I have been listening all day since about 15:00 until now [2021.07.27+0425] and my shuffle settings have not un-done themselves once. 

Could it be that a faulty app download has been throwing monkey-wrenches at users? 


@Risapower I moved your post over to this existing thread: Shuffle doesn't play songs from all selected stations

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are working on this issue.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

0 Kudos


@scQue814 Glad to hear things are back up and running again.

If this continues to be an issue down the line, please make sure to reach back out to us and let us know.

Thanks for listening!

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On the Rise

@AdamPandora: My point was that maybe this could be an active solution to suggest to other users.  (Though, from @Risapower, maybe this doesn't work for everyone?  Either way, I would recommend signing out of all devices and re-logging in before proceeding.) 

Diamond in the Rough

Liking your message out of appreciation of you detailing your experience.

However, I tried the same last week. And after reading your comment, I tried it again this morning. Both times without success; my Shuffle continues to seemingly Shuffle All; regardless of however I set up my Shuffle Options, regardless of if I sign out or even delete the apps, regardless if I'm on my iPhone or my MacBook.


Note: Perhaps that's our difference here. Your solution may work on Android, but may not on iPhone.


Furthermore, while I'm glad your initial Shuffle list preferences saved, have you been able to switch it up again and have new Shuffle preferences reflect and stick?
I wonder if the glitch is fixed for you, or if you just have a new Shuffle Option preference to be stuck at. Judging by @Risapower's comment, you may have to uninstall & reinstall every day...?

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Diamond in the Rough

Can confirm, this doesn't work for everyone =(

0 Kudos

On the Rise
Yes, absolutely. I've been tweaking it several times/day to challenge the very premise. 

I should also mention that I do not typically use Apple products because I despise their UI. [And pretty soon, I might be migrating to Linux if the rumors I'm hearing about the new Windows UI are in any way accurate. (I will not tolerate an OS dictating to me how and where to store my data.)]

I only started experiencing problems since downloading the Apple desktop app to use at work. (Ahem.)


Local Performer



I'm a pandora plus member and lately I have been hearing a bunch of songs during shuffle from stations that are not selected.


For example I currently have a "Future House" station as well as a "Dubstep" station and have just heard Aerosmith and Dr. Dre.


As someone who bought the whole years sub this is incredibly frustrating especially since I generally listen to the radio while on my motorcycle and am unable to change easily.


Please advise


@Ptron5K I moved your post over to this existing thread: Shuffle doesn't play songs from all selected stations

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are working on this issue.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

0 Kudos

On the Rise

From where I'm sitting, what I see as the problem is that Pandora's engineers have somehow "weighted" the desktop apps (both Apple and PC versions) differently as compared to the phone apps.  The Android phone app is such a joy to use compared to the clumsiness of the desktop versions!  

Regardless, when I've listened to the Android app for 3 straight days, I've experienced no glitches. But as soon as I login to either of the desktop apps, that's when I start to see problems. 

Last week, I had listened to Pandora solely via my Android phone for 4 days.  When I went into work on Friday, I powered up the Apple desktop and allowed the system to play whatever stations had been programmed for those past 4 days.  No problems, no glitches: it was fine.  

About halfway through my shift, opened my Android app while the Apple desktop app was streaming... not to listen, but to tweak the stations turned-on in shuffle.  I toggled one station, and then let it play for a while. It was fine. 

An hour later, I decided to adjust the shuffle selection via the Apple desktop app.  The moment I clicked to turn off a station in the shuffle, I watch the screen "shimmer" for barely a second and suddenly there were stations turned on that I had not added to the shuffle list.  In fact, there were quite a few!  

Something is clearly dysfunctional in the desktop apps, and is causing I/O errors when interface shifts between phone app and desktop.  But clearly the weight of this is on the desktop apps.  (And as I said, I've experienced this on both Apple and PC desktop apps.) 

On the Rise

When this happens, it's like a mix of stations I'd programmed into the shuffle today... and some I'd programmed in during my last desktop session.  It's like there are two versions of the desktop software running and they're fighting for supremacy. 

I've seen other user UIs do this when the user accidentally launches a desktop app twice.  From what I can see, there are not two versions of the app running concurrently. But perhaps there's a coding error that is giving this impression? 

0 Kudos

Diamond in the Rough

(Just adding that in my recent experience this issue persists with the desktop apps, with the online website player, and with the mobile iPhone app.
Perhaps the mobile Android app is the only one functioning appropriately.)

On the Rise

@JoshBranJones:  You may be correct. Today I launched the Android app and immediately tried to alter my shuffle list.  And even though it said "changes saved", they quite clearly were NOT.  The shuffled ended up changing back to its former state within 30 minutes--which was blatantly obvious from the songs playing! 

Infuriating.  And to think that I was going to try to convince one of my previous bosses to use Pandora to stream in her restaurant!  If this stuff happened during service, I would be laughed out of the restaurant! 

There is no logic to this entire scenario... other than that Pandora is not keeping up its end of the bargain. 


Pandora???  Are you listening?  These comments are spot on.  My teenager ruthlessly ridicules me for listening to Pandora and how it stupidly plays the same songs over and over.  I have dozens of playlists, all different, and shuffle them.  Doesn't stop the repetition.

No matter what I do, how many stations I build and shuffle, Pandora plays the same songs over and over and ignores many of my seed songs. If I switch to "discovery" then I can't shuffle and I hear nothing but obscure songs.  Does anybody at Pandora actually listen to your own service or do all of y'all use Spotify?


@DBCooper I moved your post over to this existing thread since you are reporting similar feedback: Shuffle doesn't play songs from all selected stations

I've added your information to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are working on this issue.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

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