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Google Home - Error 404

Local Performer

I am getting a message from Google when trying to sync Pandora to my Google Nest.  The message is as follows:

   "404.  That's an error.  The request URL was not found on this server.  That's all we know." 

Can you pleeeze help?


8 Replies


Hi @amyvincent1! Thanks for posing to community.

I've passed along your experience to our engineering team for further investigation.

In the meantime, I'd also recommend reaching out to Google Support for further help troubleshooting your specific device.



Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

I am having same problem

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Thanks for letting us know @Kat0364

I've passed this along to our engineer team. In the meantime, I'd also recommend reaching out to Google Support for further help troubleshooting your specific device.

Tanner | Community Moderator

> Follow us on Twitter

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Local Performer

Same as everyone! 
it’s not google its pandora too not allowing it ! Can you guys help instead of just repeating the message over!!!!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Isela_ruby Thank you for sharing your experience.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with our engineering team so they can further investigate.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I am having the same issue

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@psutrain I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with our engineering team so they can further investigate.

In the meantime, I'd also recommend reaching out to Google Support for further help troubleshooting your specific device.

Adam | Community Moderator
New to the Community? Introduce yourself here
New music alert! Picks of the Week (1.15.25)
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Local Performer

I am having the same issue 

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