Pandora Update 03/24/20: Hi again, everyone! 👋🏽
You should now be able to link to your devices without trouble.
(You may need to log out of both the Pandora and Alexa app and log back in before you can successfully link your devices)
As this is now resolved, I am closing this thread from comments. If you experience this issue again in the future, please create a new post and reference this existing thread.
Happy listening! 😎
Pandora Update: 03/24/20: Hi everyone!
Thanks to all who reached out to let us know they were experiencing linking issues with Amazon Alexa. We're looking into it on our end, and will post an update when we know more.
Here's a screenshot of what the error looks like:
Same issue on all my Amazon Echo devices. SiriusXM plays just fine.
Hey, @kadancer1. 👋
I moved your post over to this thread as other listeners are experiencing similar issues.
Please check out @AdamPandora's post about this here.
Thanks for your patience as our engineering team works on this! 🎧
Having the same problem. Without music during a shelter in place is no good! Please hurry!!!
Same issue
UPDATE: You should now be able to link to your devices without trouble.
(You may need to log out of both the Pandora and Alexa app and log back in before you can successfully link your devices)
Please try listening again, and let us know if you continue to experience issues with this.
No luck for me. I tried, and believe I successfully changed my password when this thing would not work this morning on Echo. But the "Link your account" is not accepting the new PW
@jebswebs This sounds like a separate issue - I will have someone from our User Support team contact you directly via email to help ensure you are able to get logged into your account.
Keep an eye out for their message. 📬
This is also not resolved for me. I just noticed this morning that my echo dot wouldn't play Pandora when it previously had. It directed me to the app to enable the skill and link the app. I checked, and it was already enabled and linked. I un-linked it and tried to link it again, only to get the same mesage: Unable to link at this time. This may very well be an issue on the Amazon side of things though.
@Mechputer You may need to log out of both the Pandora and Alexa app, and then sign back in before you can successfully link.
Let me know if this helps.
Working as of 16:38 on 3/24/2020. Thanks!
Glad to hear it @dwmmlm! Happy Listening! 🎧
@Mechputer It looks like you posted your last message without any content - were you still having trouble with this?
Let me know.
Hi all!
It has been confirmed that this issue is fixed. 🛠
As this is now resolved, I am closing this thread from comments. If you experience this issue again in the future, please create a new post and reference this existing thread.
Happy listening! 😎