iPhone 11 Pro
iOs version 14.1
Pandora app version 2010.1
Pandora will randomly start playing with out prompting. Latest occurrence was last night at 2am when I was sound asleep. 😡 So no, I didn't accidentally touch the phone or my Apple Watch to hit play.
@supermario I've enabled a trace on your account to help us better understand what's happening.
For this trace to be useful, we'll need you to run through our troubleshooting steps: iOS Troubleshooting
If it happens again after completing those steps, could you provide some additional details about your device?
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝
Pretty sure it has something to do with using CarPlay. It only happens to me when I have recently been using Pandora on CarPlay. Wish a solution would be available. It is happening to me and my wife.
pandora turning on by itself draining my battery. help
Hi there, @zehc17 @Jhertznit. 👋
Sorry to hear that you're both experiencing this issue.
Have you tried uninstalling / reinstalling the Pandora app on your iOS device yet? If not, this is a good first step: iOS Troubleshooting
Could you share more about your device as well? I'd like to pass your feedback along and it's helpful for our engineering team to know the following details:
Thanks for reporting this. 🎧
Can you please confirm it’s not a disgruntled software engineer sending API calls to the service? It’s happened to me for years with Pandora latest occurrence at 6 AM this morning waking me up out of my sound sleep.
@Sistahm Sorry for any disturbance.
I've enabled a trace on your account to help us better understand what's happening.
For this trace to be useful, we'll need you to run through our troubleshooting steps: iOS Troubleshooting
If it happens again after completing those steps, could you provide some additional details about your device?
Let me know what you find out.
It happened to me last night at 1:00am. Looks like this issue has been happening for years! No I’m not going to give you my phone information. I’m deleting the app
I’m still on the same iPhone 12.
iOS version: 16.5
pandora version 2305.2
It was behaving for a while. Last night tho at midnight on the dot the app started playing music. Phone was face down on my nightstand and plugged in to charge. Apple Watch was sitting on its charger also.
Then this afternoon the same thing.
This is getting old fast.
Pandora randomly starts playing music, waking me up in the middle of the night along with two dogs and my wife jumping out of bed. I see this is an ongoing issue for a few years so fix it or I'm bailing.
@sardoin I moved your post over to this existing thread: iOS: Pandora Randomly Starts Playing
I've enabled a trace on your account to help us better understand what's happening.
For this trace to be useful, we'll need you to run through our troubleshooting steps: iOS Troubleshooting
If it happens again after completing those steps, could you provide some additional details about your device?
Thanks for working with me on this.
You’re bleeding into other apps that are in my phone!! Starting on your own!! Fix it
@gunnnzz I moved your post over to this existing thread: iOS: Pandora Randomly Starts Playing
If you haven't already done so, please run through the following troubleshooting steps: iOS Troubleshooting
If this continues to be an issue after completing those steps, could you provide some additional details about your device?
Thanks for working with me on this.
Same thing happened to me while I was sleeping at 1:45am
@SonjaD To clarify, were you listening to the app previously that day, and was it still currently running in the background?
Or was the app never opened that day, and it randomly started playing at night?
Additionally, was sound/music actually playing from your phone speaker when this happened?
Let me know.
I was listening earlier in the day and it was running in the background. I uninstalled the app so that doesn’t ever happen again.
I had the app opened on my way home from work and was listening to it in the car. The app was open and running in the background. I went on several different apps on my phone as I always have and left them all open as I always do. I set my alarm for 5:30am like I always do and went to sleep. At 1:45 am my phone started playing the song I had been listening to at 4pm on my way home from work from my telephone speaker at the loudest setting. Needless to say, my husband and I were startled awake and I had to find the app and close it to make it stop. and I never could go back to sleep. I have uninstalled the app.
Moderator Edit: Merged posts
Hi @SonjaD Sorry to hear this happened.
I'm happy to pass this along to our engineering team for further investigation.
I wanted to clarify your experience in the vehicle. You mentioned in your post that you were listening while in your car earlier that day. When connected to your car, are you connected with a USB cord or Bluetooth? Do you use CarPlay in your vehicle?
I understand that you have uninstalled the app, but if you're able to confirm if the 'Launch from car' feature is disabled from your Pandora settings it would be helpful to include in our report.
You can view this setting with the following steps:
Thanks for the follow up, @SonjaD. I've passed this info over to our engineering team.
If you install Pandora on your phone again, I would definitely try disabling the "Launch from car" feature to see if it will help.
You can use these steps:
Thanks for being part of community!
It’s a glitch whenever you activate pandora on your CarPlay but not your phone. Very frustrating. Woke me up at 2:30am and pandora wasn’t even open on my phone. If you open pandora and force close after using CarPlay it hasn’t happened to me again after doing this.
I see this issue is now 3+ years old. I have used Pandora on my phone for years, but I just recently started having the problem after purchasing a new vehicle with CarPlay (I didn't have CarPlay previously). The problem occurs - only very late night / very early morning - after using Pandora with CarPlay earlier that day. It's time Pandora figured this out - definitively.