Hi @dh5072_123 👋
Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear that the Desktop Troubleshooting steps didn't help with your issue.
I've enabled a trace on your account so that we and our engineers can take a closer look at what's going on.
I'd like to report this issue to an internal ticket for further investigation. Could you help by providing a little more info?
Make and model of your device:
Mode: Desktop or Tablet?
Network (Wi-Fi or 3G/4G/LTE):
Pandora version (under Pandora Settings on the bottom left):
Windows version & build:
Are there any error messages? If so, what do they say?
Are you able to stream Pandora normally through a web browser like Chrome or Firefox?
Also, are you running a Preview Build of Windows? If so, are you in the fast ring or slow ring? Thanks for your help with this
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