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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

275 Replies


That sounds like a lot of fun, @MOHLovesAlaska. 🍎🍏 

Hope you had a great weekend as well! 

Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend...I hope you are planning a weekend fall getaway this weekend, there is so much you will miss out on...

Dear friend, are you feeling overwhelmed, pressured, or stressed??? Sometimes all you have to do is just take a step back stop whatever it is you are doing and take a long breather or a long pause...Dear friend that is what I have done for the last month...I just felt overwhelmed, pressured, and stressed so I just took a breather, a month-long pause to regenerate, refocus, and reordered some of the things in my life that needed some changes...And dear friend sometimes that is exactly what one needs to do...So stop hurting yourself by getting overwhelmed, pressured, and stressed, take a breather step back, and re-evaluate your priorities...Trust me when I say you will be so glad and blessed that you did...

Have a great Tuesday and a blessed week...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend...

Dear friend sometimes to experience the best that life has to offer you, you need to sacrifice the temporary good that you have now...Ask yourself, are you just willing to settle, or are you willing to go after the impossible? 

Have a blessed Wednesday...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Thursday morning dear friend...

Are you struggling to decide this cross-road in your life? Dear friend have you considered that perhaps the best decision is to remain exactly where you are and keep doing exactly what you are doing until the time comes when you hit that cross-road again the decision will not be such a struggle to make...

Have a great Thursday dear friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

You always know the best things to say, @MOHLovesAlaska.

Thank you for always encouraging us, friend! 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora Good morning dear friend...Thank you as always for your great support and your very kind replies...As far as knowing what to say, it is only because of my life experiences that I have lived that helps me share with others my struggles, pain, mistakes, and decisions that were hard and not so hard to make...

Have a great day friend...Take care and GOD bless...

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Good Monday morning dear friend...

Three miles from where I live a NYS Trooper was killed while texting and driving...Last year 396 people died just from cell phone use while driving...Another statistic from cell phone use while driving was that 12% of all accidents that happened last year on the highways and roadways were because of cell phone use...If you use a cell phone while driving, put a blindfold on before you get in the car because it will have the same effect...If you are not looking at the road then you are driving blind my dear friend...Stop judging drunk drivers and stop being so verbally harsh toward them because people who drive while texting are just as bad as drunk drivers...WAKE UP America...WAKE UP WORLD...You only have one life and you and I are not invincible...

Have a great Monday...Take care and GOD bless...



Hi @MOHLovesAlaska , that's soo true and it is sometimes hard to accept reality.

Phones are a great distractor and driving is something that requires your full attention. This may sound a bit harsh but sometimes it is necessary.

We need to appreciate more our lives since, as you mention it is only one.

Hope you have a nice week!

@MariaPandora Thank you dear friend for your reply and your support...Life is short enough without doing things that can unnecessarily risk shortening it even more...

Side note: When I had a cell phone the first thing I always did was power it off before getting into my vehicle...99% of the time during that drive to my destination the calls and texts that I had missed were irrelevant, or not important at all...And that is a fact dear friend...

Take care and GOD bless...


Good Tuesday Morning dear friend...Yesterday's post was harsh, and that is exactly how I meant it to be, harsh and yet truthful...Death is final, there is no coming back from it, the ones who are left behind are the ones who suffer the broken heart because the dead feel nothing and they know nothing...The ones left behind are reeling with emotions that come at us like a freight train, heavy, hard, and fast... Death that comes unexpectedly is the toughest and hardest to accept as well as deal with, death that comes from being ill or sick is much easier to deal with because it was of no surprise or unexpected...I have faced that type of death several times in my life...The easiest way was my pop's death because he was sick with cancer and when hospice came in we knew that was the final stage...Back in Oct of 2019, my brother Donnie committed suicide, that death is still hard to face even today because I as well as my family feel we let him down by not knowing what the cause was and the signs that we did not notice or just plainly missed...I have always tried my best to be there for my family in their time of need and when my brother Donnie left this earth by his hand I felt like a complete failure...Dear friend when you text and drive you are taking that very high risk of dying by your hand, don't do it, and don't leave your loved ones to have to suffer and pick up the pieces of the unfulfilled life that you left behind...Life is precious, life is beautiful, and life without you becomes a nightmare to live by those who love you...

Have a great Tuesday...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @MOHLovesAlaska. 👋

I appreciate your perspective on this. Sorry to hear about the trooper.

When driving, people should only use their mobile devices only when conditions allow and as permitted by applicable law. It can put you and others at risk unnecessarily and it's not worth it. For iPhone users, Apple offers a Do Not Disturb feature for drivers: Stay focused while driving with iPhone

Thanks for sharing something deeply personal, we're happy to have created a safe space for people to share their experiences. I'm very sorry to hear about your brother. I can't imagine how that felt for your family.

For anyone reading this thread, if you or anyone you know ever needs a little extra emotional support, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK. We encourage you to use Lifeline. The call is free and confidential and crisis workers are there 24/7 to assist. 

Thank you again, @MOHLovesAlaska for being real and always trying to uplift those in the community space. We appreciate you! 


Alyssa | Community Manager
Let's talk music in Community Chat
Share yours here: Q: What song fits your mood today?
Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)

@AlyssaPandora thank you dear friend for your support and friendly replies...I hope you have a blessed week...

Take care friend and GOD bless...


Good Monday morning dear friend...If you have a loved one or a friend in need of help you may have to forgo that tradition that you so much look forward to every day...Believe me when I say they will notice more than just the help you gave them...Even more than you know...

Have a blessed day friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday morning dear friend...

Sometimes the problems we face and the seasons of hardships we go through are not always our fault...But this fact I do know...How we respond to those problems and difficulties will determine our maturity level of character...Are we just going to mope, gripe, and complain about the problems and difficulties or are we going to get through them through determination and will to overcome them...Storms in life work the same as a bodybuilder that works out hard to build muscle...Storms can strengthen our character, our will, determination as well as our mind to overcome what was meant to weaken us and even destroy us...A powerful and determined mindset is the enemy of giving in and giving up...

Have a great Wednesday friend...Take care and GOD bless...



Hi @MOHLovesAlaska ! Thanks for the inspiring words. 

Yes, sometimes it seems hardships just arrive one after another and I think it is ok to pause and breathe, but one should always continue after that. As you mention, determination is key to build up our resilience muscle.

Thanks for sharing! And have a great rest of your Thursday!

@MariaPandora Good evening friend...Thank you for your great support, insight, and friendly reply...Have a blessed evening and a wonderful Friday...

Take care and GOD bless...

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