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Web: "Poor Network Connection" Error (05/17/22)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Pandora Update (06/24/22): Thank you for the recent posts regarding this issue. While the fix has worked for most of the folks on this thread, I do see that some are still running into this error message during your listening sessions. Our engineering team is aware of this and investigating these additional reports. 

Pandora Update (06/09/22): We believe this issue has now been resolved. 

Could you try again and let me know if you still have trouble with this error message?

You may need to restart your web browser to ensure that the changes have taken effect.

Thanks for your help with this. 🎧

Pandora Update (06/06/22): Hey folks 👋

Thanks for your patience during this process, and sorry for the continued trouble.

Our engineering team is still working on this issue.  In the meantime, all reports of this issue have been reported on the internal ticket we have open.  

Pandora Update (05/23/2022): Hi everyone 👋 Thanks so much for posting about your experience with this error message. We've gone ahead and created an internal ticket with our engineering team for further investigation. Any updates will be posted on this thread. 

If you haven't already, please try signing out of Pandora on the web, and then sign back in again. Since signing out clears Pandora's local storage from your browser, this may help.

In the meantime, all reports of this issue have been reported on the internal ticket. Any updates we have on this issue will be posted on this thread. 

We appreciate your patience during this process. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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126 Replies

Local Performer

For almost two months I have had issues with connectivity issues.  This truly **ahem**.  I have issues listening online and through the app.  Please advise.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Any update on this topic from Pandora developers? I'm continually having this issue and haven't seen an update from Pandora in about a month.

0 Kudos


Same issue. Why am I paying for this service if it does not play music?

0 Kudos


I only listen to a handful stations that I’ve created and that’s when it happens.  Two different hardwired computers in two different locations with no internet issues.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

This happens to me when I play stations constantly. It will play a song, then take 5-6 minutes to load before playing a new one.

0 Kudos

Local Performer


I've had this issue for several weeks.  It happens when listening to stations.  I've signed out, rebooted, clear the browser (Chrome).  Nothing working.  what can I do? 

Thanks for your help. 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I started experiencing the poor network connection problem about a month ago on my laptop using the web site with Chrome.  Happened when working at home and at the office.

After trying numerous solutions, I found it was the corporate VPN causing problems.  When disconnected all my issues went away and Pandora worked flawlessly.  IT must have made a change recently that is incompatible with Pandora.

Good luck,



Sorry, I meant please detail the steps to fix for:

1. Chrome/macOS

2. Desktop/macOS

This issue occurs for me on the following Pandora apps:

1. Chrome/macOS

2. Desktop/macOS

Doesn't occur on (even from the same network!)

1. Roku

2. iOS

Please detail the steps to fix for:

1. Roku

2. iOS

mod edit: merged comments

0 Kudos

Community Manager
Community Manager

Pandora Update (06/24/22): Thank you for the recent posts regarding this issue. While the fix has worked for most of the folks on this thread, I do see that some are still running into this error message during your listening sessions. Our engineering team is aware of this and investigating these additional reports. 

Alyssa | Community Manager
Let's talk music in Community Chat
Share yours here: Q: What song fits your mood today?
Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.02.24)
0 Kudos

Local Performer

still having the same problem with the poor wifi message.  I am on a laptop.  And yes, I have signed out and back in, restarted wifi and computer.  Any other advice would be helpful.



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Local Performer

What is the fix??????

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Local Performer
The fix is simply do not connect to your corporate VPN.
0 Kudos

Both my wife and I have this issue without being on a corporate VPN.

Local Performer

I'm still having this issue, using Chrome and Firefox. 

Happens on any browser, I tested my connection speed and its very good, so is not a poor network connection. 

mod edit: merged comments
0 Kudos

Local Performer

I seemed to have fixed the issue for me.   It was an internal web filter.  This is from my IT department: 

"We do have a web filter enabled on your network that could be causing some issues with this site. I have added to our exception list. This will allow all traffic to this site. Please restart pandora when you can and let me know if you see any performance improvements. "

After they put Pandora on the exception list- it has operated normally.   Hope this helps others. 


Yes or I can refresh the browser. This disrupts my workflow. It happens when trying to load any song from any location. I was listing to top songs and attempted to switch to a station then attempted to use the browse menu to select a new tune but no success. Error remains at the top. 

Still a problem. I don't see most folks replying with positive results.

mod edit: merged comments

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I am having the same issues and am about to cancel my subscription if they are not resolved. I have a strong connection yet keep receiving the weak network error and buffering. I've tried clearing cache, resetting numerous times to no avail. Resolve quickly or I will cancel my subscription!!!!!

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Pandora keeps telling me Poor network connection. Listening will resume when it's restored. Sothey don't play muic but they can playcommercials .............WHYcommercials but no music

On the Rise

I don't know but I feel the same way when that happens to me.

Jazzlynn M. Schrader
0 Kudos

Local Performer

Good morning, have tried all of the steps, multiple computers over numerous networks, still getting the error.  Will Pandora consider refunding partial subscription fees to its users since it is borderline unusable?

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