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Artist/Song missing from Add Variety option

Opening Act

I have created a station and then chose Add Variety. I tried to add artist "Wild Side" but it does not appear in the list. I do see the similarly named "Wildside", but that is not who I'm looking for.

When I click the general search, and search for "Wild Side", I am then able to find the artist --

Why can they not be added as station variety via search?

Thank you!

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72 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

@amoebob Thanks so much for pointing this out.

We really appreciate your taking the time to let us know. I've forwarded this to the people who take care of the collection. We'll look into it ASAP.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I'm trying to add Toss A Coin to Your Witcher (the original, from netflix) to a station, except no matter what I type in the search bar only covers of the song appear. I know the original is on Pandora. I don't know if this is a license issue, and Netflix's version can't be added to stations, or that the list of songs that show up when searching on Add Variety is being drowned out by the list of covers. Is there a way to add a song to a station from the song's page, or to remove covers from the search results?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Linkman95 Thanks for reporting that to us - I went ahead and informed the team who manages our music collection to look into this.

Thanks for your patience! 

Adam | Community Moderator
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So, real quick. I want to add an artist via "add variety", problem is, if I select "add variety" they don't show up. They're definitely on Pandora, and if I search for the band to create a station, they're there. Problem seems to be that the list given by way of "add variety" is heavily truncated and offers what Pandora assumes to be "the most likely candidates", but there's no way to refine those results or say, "No, Pandora, I'm LITERALLY looking for a band with the EXACT name I put in, please stop trying to be helpful and just give me a LITERAL match."

Is there any way to be more specific so that I can actually add this band? Do I need to create another station and merge it just so I can make this happen? Something? Anything? Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?


Hi @wyrsek thanks for posting to community!

Sorry for any trouble adding variety to a station. Happy to look into this, can you pass on a bit more information:

  • The artist you're trying to add
  • The station you're trying to add variety too

Let me know and I'll see what I can find out. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Artist I'm trying to add is a band called Funeral

The station I created is initially based on the band Electric Wizard.

I'm able to add a specific song by the band Funeral in add variety because I was able to find a song title that was unique enough that it showed up in the search, but searching for the actual band name gives me nothing but songs and group that make use of the word Funeral.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@wyrsek This is something the team who helps take care of our collection will need to investigate.

I've passed your feedback along to them so they can take a closer look.

Thanks for your patience with this. 

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I would like to add a seed to one of my stations. When I click on the "Add Variety" link, I am given a search box. That would be fine, if the song I wanted to add were searchable; it is not. Typing the name of the song does not locate the song. In situations like this, how should I proceed? Are there special characters that I can enter into the search box to manipulate how the search is performed? Is there an alternative way to add a song as a seed (which does not require the use of a search function)?

Thanks for the help. As an example, can anyone else locate the song "F#" by PrototypeRaptor, using a search box?

Looks like these forums are dead. Goes well with the broken "Contact Us" form on your website. Classy operation you have going on here. Cool!!!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Gravy_P I moved your post to this thread since you are experiencing a similar issue.

The team who takes care of our collection will look into seeing why that track isn't populating for you.

Thank you for reporting this! 📝

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I too am having this problem. 

Trying to add the artist Twin Tribes to a She Past Away station; I can find Twin Tribes if I search in the search bar but not when attempting to add variety.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@sabdel-wahab Thank you for reporting this - I will have our curation team dig into this one to see why you are unable to add that artist to your station.


Adam | Community Moderator
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This artist cannot be added via "+ Add Variety" and making a station with her resulted in the error "We're sorry, but we can't find any more music to play on your station right now. Try switching stations."

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @ELRinley. 👋

I moved your post over to this thread as other listeners have run into trouble with a similar issue with different artists. 

I've shared your feedback with our curation team to look into ASAP.

Thanks for your patience and for reporting this! 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Opening Act

I am trying to add an artist to one of my stations. Dragon Age Inquisition (Original Score) does not appear in the Add Variety feature. I am trying to add it to my Soundtracks station. Can you help out with this?

Artist: Dragon Age Inquisition (Original Score)

Custom Station: Soundtracks

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Thanks for letting us know @bp4437. I've let our curation department know about this. They'll look into it ASAP. 

Thanks for your patience!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

This issue is still going on! Just give us the option to add a song to a station from the song or artist page. this is absurd!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@asdasdwqee What is the name of the artist you are unable to add as variety to your station?

Let me know.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

There is a song that is on Pandora but when I try to add it to a station from my phone it just says technical difficulties and when I try on my desktop it acts like the song isn't there when I search via add variety. I can and have found it on the generic browse search but have no way it seems to add it to my seed. If you need specifics the station was started via do re mi by blackbear and the song I'm trying to add is I've no more ... to give by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Challmark84 I moved your post to this thread since you are reporting a similar issue.

I have escalated your report to our curation team so they can further investigate. 🔎

Adam | Community Moderator
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