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Yamaha Device: "Access Error" Message


I'm experiencing  the same "Access Error" across all (3) of my Yamaha devices all of a sudden - I can play Pandora fine on my PC through web page, and on my phone with Pandora app.  This just started happening for no apparent reason.  Network access from my Yamaha's is fine as they can play Internet radio stations just fine. I can't even log back in/or out - the Yamaha just refuses to even try to connect with "Access error" . I find it difficult to believe all three of my Yamaha Musiccast devices failed at the same time, this must have something to do with my Pandora account?

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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380 Replies

Local Performer

 Using Yamaha Music Cast devices non can connect to Pandora.  All return the error message "Access Error".  Tried all the reboot efforts to no effect.  

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Hi @Daveb1 and @joescruggs 

Welcome to community! Sorry for any trouble with your Yamaha devices.

I've gone ahead and removed your associated Yamaha devices from your Pandora account on our end. This can take some time to take affect, so your patience is appreciated.

If you're still having trouble, I would recommend power cycling your Yamaha by unplugging it for at least 5 minutes, then plugging it back in and trying once more.

If after that you're still having trouble, I would recommend restoring your Yamaha to factory settings. For specific steps to perform this please reference the user's manual for your Yamaha.

Hope this helps!


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Solved! This issue was that I needed to do a firmware update. Then the access error went away and I could login to Pandora!! Note this was done with the wired eithernet on the yamaha. When the board wasn't working on the yamaha I tried the USB firmware using a computer and a USB drive. This didn't work either. Jim at Pro-Tec Repair said that any USB updates need to be done to be done on a computer that has a wired eithernet connection. That guy knows what he's talking about.

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Local Performer

I am unable to play music from pandora due to an access error  stating that I need to agree to the streaming service usage in the settings in this room.  How do I resolve this

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Hi @jstan78 

Welcome to community!

Sorry for any trouble with your Yamaha. To clarify, are you logging into Yamaha for the first time? Can you share a screenshot of the error message you're seeing? You can include screenshots directly here on community. The easiest way to do this is through a web or mobile browser. You wont' be able to include screenshots/pictures through email notifications.

Thanks for the help!

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Local Performer

I have never logged in from my Yamaha RXA-820, and I get this error message.  Help!!

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Hi @ske 

Welcome to community!

Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I recommend power cycling your Yamaha and try again. If you're still having trouble, I would perform a factory reset of your Yamaha. For specific instructions on your model, please refer to your owner's manual.

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Local Performer

I need help with the issue with MusicCast access error. Thanks in advance

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Hi @twix408 

Welcome to community!

I've removed your Yamaha connection with your Pandora account. When this takes affect, you'll automatically be logged out of your Yamaha. Before logging back in, I would recommend power cycling your Yamaha by unplugging it for at least 5 minutes. Then plug it back it and try Pandora again.

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I cannot get pandora to play through my MusicCast. Please help!

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Hi @mmeade2000

Welcome to community!

Sorry for any trouble with your Yamaha. I've removed the connection between your Pandora account and Yamaha device. When this takes affect you'll automatically be logged out. It can take some time for this to take affect, so I would give it at least a few hours. Before you log back in, I would also power cycle your Yamaha by unplugging it for at least 5 minutes and then plugging it back it, then log back in and try Pandora again.

Hope this helps.

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@TannerPandora could you please remove my Yamaha device? I updated my Yamaha FW and want to try to get logged back in after receiving the access error out of the blue yesterday.

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Hi @doug_vender 

Welcome to community!

Looks like you may have been able to remove your connected device. Are you still having trouble? If you are, try power cycling your Yamaha by unplugging it for at least 5 minutes.

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Thank you for the follow up. I tried both steps again and no luck. Not sure
why this suddenly happened last weekend after years of enjoying Pandora on
my Yamaha receiver. Any other suggestions other than buying a new receiver?

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Hey @doug_vender - sorry to hear that didn't help. I would try a factory reset of your Yamaha. You can find specific instructions for your model through the Yamaha website. Hopefully, that will help.

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Local Performer

My Yamaha 2070 is a pos.  The hdmi card has gone out twice.  Yamaha will do nothing.  Now the WiFi has quit also.  $2000 for nothing.  Never buy another Yamaha.  Denon is better

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Local Performer


i am having the same issues with my Yamaha not logging in to pandora. We tried updating firmware. I can’t figure out how to remove the device from my account to reset. Thank you!

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Hi @Kkist 

Welcome to community!

I've helped to remove your Yamaha connection from your Pandora account. When this takes affect you should be automatically logged out.

I would also recommend power cycling your Yamaha by unplugging it for at least 5 minutes. Then plug it back in and set up your Pandora once again.

Let me know if you're still having trouble.

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Local Performer

Hi, I am having the same access issue. I cannot find a way to disconnect my account from music cast. Can you assist?

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Hi @Chuckster3062 

No problem! I've gone ahead and removed your Yamaha device connection from your Pandora account.

When this takes affect, you should automatically be logged out. Though, I would give in at least a few hours. Be sure to power cycle your Yamaha by unplugging it for at least 5 minutes. You should be good to go after that.

Let me know if you continue to have trouble.

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