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Ad Feedback - Spanish Ads

Local Performer

This is very annoying. Apparently Pandora has more Spanish speaking listeners in my area than English. I get. Orr Spanish ads than English. 

that balcony about the ad operations team working on a solution. I have a solution - cut down the number of Spanish speaking ads. 

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263 Replies

Local Performer

Are you referring to Pandora or fellow listeners?  I most certainly would have the same response because I don’t understand those languages either and the advertisers are being ripped off because Pandora is not targeting the correct audience, so they, the advertisers, should be pissed with Pandora as well.

Opening Act

Just heard a new all-Spanish ad June 29 @ 1:00pm, New Age station.

I have no idea what the ad was for because the graphic was absent. The guy was talking so fast that I couldn't pick out any identifiable words—possibly for some kind of event in July?


0 Kudos

Local Performer

Or stop giving people who selected English as their language Spanish ads.  Simple solve

Local Performer

This issue has returned or was not resolved.  I'm not complaining that the ads are easier to tune out or that I get mini spanish lessons throughout the day, and I appreciate that I'm not being tempted to buy something I don't really want to buy since I can't understand the ad anyway.  But it is odd. XD

Local Performer
Exactly. It does seem their paying advertisers are the ones getting hosed by not reaching their target audience. 

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Well then you’re going to lose a lot of accounts. We don’t need to hear Spanish on our phones 24/7. 


yes, and not only that one. I had a ton of other Spanish ones. I’m going with a different music app.

Local Performer

So there's no way to switch this to English ads?

Local Performer

Love this idea! Thank you! 

Local Performer

samthing is happening to me and I never listen to spanish! How can this be fixed?

Why am I getting Spanish ads when I don't listen to spanish music? This is so frustrating and is getting on my nerves.

Moderator Edit: Merged posts

Local Performer

Why do I have Spanish speaking commercial playing some of the times. I have never changed any language, at any time. ALWAYS ENGLISH!!! ANNOYING!!

Local Performer

My email post to support, I doubt they will respond,

"The Spanish speaking ads only irritate and piss off your listener off. Is the market dollar that beneficial. I and the pandora forums realize you are attempting to drive us to purchase the subscription, I have had it, and dropped it. If someone was really working on it, I believe it would have been corrected. I mean this only started up a few months ago so there is a fix if someone really wanted to correct the "error" "

Local Performer

This is annoying enough to leave.  Fix it already!  It's more than two-thirds my ads!

Local Performer

The Spanish ads are increasing more and more.  It is very annoying.  Please provide a setting to allow us to set a preference to English.

Opening Act

2 years after the original complaint, I'm having the same issue. An ad that used to be in English is now playing in Spanish (All Murders In the Building). Just played on my Alexa skill (so I can't take a screenshot) at about 10:50am MST. Today I'm listening to the playlist "60s Rock Radio". But the ad has played every day for the last week, excluding the 2 days that I listen to Spotify and Amazon Prime.  I listen to a different playlist each day of the week. 

I'm thinking 2 years is a long time to have not fixed this problem yet. Allow the user to select their preferred language and from there we should only hear ads in the chosen language, regardless of some random song playing that's at least partially in another language. There are a few old songs that I'll listen to that sing in a different language part of the time. 


How do you stop this? I don't speak Spanish, you are wasting my time and your advertisers dollars! 

I live in Montana! 

0 Kudos


@AdamPandoraI keep getting Spanish adds for AT&T no matter what playlist I'm playing. I don't understand what they're saying except the company name and the phrase "spoiler alert", which I think is hilarious. 

0 Kudos


@KaybieRocket The next time that AT&T ad plays on your account, can you please send me:

  • the exact date and time it played on your account
  • the name of the station you were listening to when it played

Thanks for working with me on this.

0 Kudos

Opening Act

It doesn't matter what station we listen to. I listen to a different one every day and it plays every day, several times a day. 

Monday: 50's Rock 'n' Roll radio
Tuesday: 60s rock radio
Wednesday: 70s rock radio
Thursday: 80s country radio, 80s pop radio or 80s rock radio
Friday: 90s Radio
Sunday: Christian Rock radio

I listen between 9am and 6pm MST.  It just played at 2:07pm MST. Again at 3:31pm.

Opening Act

As I've stated the previous times this answer has been given, I'm listening to Pandora via my Echo Dots, so there's no screenshot to share. I've also included the date and times that those ads have played. And there's been no change. I've submitted the names of the stations I listen to weekly. Exactly when is this fix supposed to happen? The ad I hear seems to be 2 playing one after the other.  Those of us who are English speaking have mistaken it to be just one ad. I submitted all the required information last week, aside from a screenshot. But it's still playing every day, a few times a day.  For being an accepted fix, I've seen no results and gotten no response to my contributions on this topic.