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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

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Good Tuesday morning dear friend.

Part of life is taking chances, when you met your spouse you first took a chance by asking them out on a date. Your job, you took a chance by applying for the job. So why are you not taking a chance to pursue your dream?

Every time you take a chance you are pursuing, every time you pursue you are not quitting, every time you don't quit you hold on to hope every time you hold on to hope you hold on to your dream. 

Have a great Tuesday, my friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Wednesday morning dear friend. 

d2850e424dd0e2ed8e21d8466fe46ff1.jpg Some people will take advantage of the good-hearted kindness of others, but never allow those few who do change you of who you are, because there are those who truly do love you for your good-hearted kindness. Remember this as well, to make a better world it will take good-hearted people. 

Have a great Wednesday friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Thursday morning dear friend. 

My dear friend sometimes the best way to love is to first learn to like what your significant other loves, and vice versa. 

Have a great Thursday friend, take care and stay safe. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

That definitely makes things easier, @MOHLovesAlaska. 😅

Happy Thursday! 

Adam | Community Moderator
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Good Friday morning dear friend.

The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them (

Dear friend life is what gives us the chance to take chances. So don't ever stop.

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend friend. Take care and stay safe. 


Pandora Moderator - Emeritus
Pandora Moderator - Emeritus

Hi @MOHLovesAlaska!

Great quote for this Friday! Appreciate this post! ❤️

Gerald | Community Moderator
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Good Monday morning dear friend.

Dear friend a harsh but truthful fact I learned in this walk of life, people will come and go in your life and more people will go than those that stay. And for those who do stay in your life sometimes it is you that has to make that hard, and yet the harsh decision to force that person out of your life, they have become that weight that weighs you down, and the anchor that keeps you from sailing on. They become toxic for you wanting to move forward to achieve you're goals and dreams, I know because I had to make that decision for me in my life, and know this, it will not be an easy one. If it were easy life would have been called a cakewalk. 

Have a great Monday dear friend, please take care and stay safe. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

@MOHLovesAlaska I've never thought of it that way. You're right, more people go than stay. Reminds me of the saying "Some people are in your life for a season."

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora good morning friend, I thank you for your great support as always. I hope you have been well. Take care friend and stay safe. 


Good Tuesday morning dear friend. 

Dear friend, how many times have we driven by, walked by, or just looked at beautiful breathtaking photos of flower gardens, how some people just poured out their heart's love to such extravagant detail to have their home surrounded with such beauty? 

So why is it we can have such a passion to make our homes look so beautiful because of our love for beauty, but yet we make such little effort maintaining our love for the beautiful ones who live in our hearts? Being with the one you love was only the beginning of the love's journey, for that love needs constant planting, trimming, weeding, and watering, it needs constant attention with caring and loving detail, just like a gorgeous, breathtaking, extravagant flower garden. A garden grows my dear friend, and so does love, but for both to grow it needs constant care and GREAT attention to detail.

Have a great Tuesday dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Wednesday morning dear friend.


Mountain-Climbing.jpg Sometimes this is exactly what you go through in life, climbing a mountain, a mountain of problems, heartache, divorce, a heartbreaking breakup that was a complete shock, financial hardships, or the passing of a close friend or loved one. The list goes on. You feel like you're going to fall, there is no hope, the feeling you will never see another beautiful moment in your life ever again. Dear friend you will, nearing the top of the mountain is the hardest of the climb, you are tired, exhausted, weary, and just about worn out. Your climb is successful when you don't "QUIT". 

wp6673691.jpg The view from the top is always worth the climb, this is what quitters miss out on. Life always trades your storms with life's beauty, that is the thing called the circle of life. If you continue you will see what I say is true, I have climbed, and I'm still climbing, so keep climbing with me, and I will with you. Quitting is easy, and continuing on is hard, but it makes you stronger, and wiser, it also gives you the knowledge to help others make the climb that you already made. Keep climbing friend. 

Have a great Wednesday friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Thursday morning dear friend.

Friend, perhaps you have already come through the other side of your darkness, perhaps you have reached the top of your mountain. Well if you have, then this is for you dear friend. 

OIP.jfif Have a great Thursday friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Monday morning dear friend...

Perhaps you have been waiting for a breakthrough in your life, waiting for that miracle to happen for you, waiting for that dream job, waiting for that answer of wanting to marry your love, or perhaps to get into that college you worked so hard of wanting to get into...but yet you find yourself still waiting, a standstill, a pause, or perhaps a longer delay than what was anticipated by you...Friend, you must know before any breakthrough there always comes a breakdown, but you must understand it is never meant to completely break you, it is a test, a test of patience, and endurance, to test your character while under can't boil an egg unless it is in hot water...this is your test what will you do under pressure? You can overboil an egg, you can over-pressurize a tire until it blows, and your testing is to see if you blow under pressure...continue doing what you are doing, continue to endure with a positive attitude, continue to work at that job you may hate, continue to love your love without pressuring about marriage, continue to study about that college you want so much to get into, it will happen, your turn-around will happen, your breakthrough will HAPPEN...just don't QUIT doing what your DOING...stay doing and you will see it happen...I know because it is happening for me as I leave you with this message...but for me, it has been over 14 years...14 years of waiting...crying...alone...mocked...made fun of...betrayed by a so-called best friend...jobless for a long time...even hated by those who had said they loved you see friend my breakdown was also a broken and shattered almost broke me beyond repair...but here I am trying my damndest to encourage you to keep going, keep hoping, keep climbing, keep the faith and you will see your breakthrough...

GOD bless you, my dear friend, take care, and please stay safe.

P.S And no, no this was not easy for me to share, but if it helps just one, then it was worth sharing because just one matters.


Good morning dear friend. Perhaps you are the one that can change one person's life today by just giving a smile ☺ or just a kind word. Sometimes my dear friend that is all one may be looking for, looking for that one who shows a kind gesture that gives that glimpse of hope that is worth hanging on to. Be that glimpse of hope for someone. 


Have a wonderful day dear friend. Take care and GOD bless. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning, @MOHLovesAlaska. A little bit of kindness goes a long way.

Thank you for the friendly reminder. 😊

Alyssa | Community Manager
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I also try to be that person cause I know what it’s like to get it when I’ve needed it. 

Enjoy MORE & Be Safe 

@Crystalstees thank you friend for your reply as well as your support for this post. Have a great evening, take care and GOD bless you. 


@AlyssaPandora thank you dear friend for your kindness that you show daily here in the community. And I also want to thank all of @Pandora for their support and kindness, @ErickPandora, @AdamPandora, @TannerPandora, @GeraldPandora, @ChrisPandora, and @ShannonPandora. Thank you for being the kind supporters that you are. 

Take care and GOD bless. 

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The greatest strength that one can show is to forgive the one who has hurt you the greatest. Forgiveness releases us from the prison of the constant memory of the bad that was rendered unto us by the horrific deed or deeds by the one or those who we thought loved us. Forgiveness helps us to start that journey to reach our destination, the destination of healing. So do yourself a favor dear friend, forgive the one or those that have betrayed you, or hurt you deeply. You do not deserve to be living in constant bitterness, or feelings of animosity towards others, it is only hurting you and negatively effecting you. Release those feelings, forgive dear friend. 

Have a blessed day, take care and GOD bless. 


Having a rough or perhaps just a real crappy day? How about you give a close friend a call, or perhaps a loved one, and go get a coffee at your favorite pick-me up caffeine shop. Just go and vent for a while, sometimes that is exactly what one needs to do. 

Keep your head up friend, every one has rough days and goes through rough patches, it will get better. It will. 

Have a great day, take care and GOD bless. 
